STEM Training

2020 Training Schedule - TBA


STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The BSA’s STEM initiative gives Scouts an opportunity to explore STEM-related concepts and learn how STEM knowledge is used in everyday life and in the professional world. The aim is to expose youth to new opportunities and help build interest in the STEM-related careers that are so crucial to our future economy.
To support this exploration of STEM, the BSA debuted the Nova and Supernova Awards program, an initiative that promotes an enthusiasm towards STEM and offers recognition and advancement for Scouts absorbed in STEM learning.
STEM NOVA Agenda Focus
  • What is the STEM Nova Program
  • STEM in Your Unit
  • Nova Mentor - Super Nova Councilor Training
  • STEM in a Box
  • STEM Safety
  • Resources
  • Q and A throughout the Session!