Brotherhood Honor

Brotherhood membership is sought by Arrowmen seeking to reaffirm their belief in the high purposes of the order.  Before becoming a Brotherhood member, each Arrowman makes a special effort to serve his troop or team.  Each Brotherhood member commits to even more service to Scouting through the Order.

Completing your Ordeal set you on the next part of your "long and toilsome journey", applying what you have learned in your Ordeal to your life.  When you have learned about the ideals of the Order and made them part of your life, you may become a Brotherhood member.  Becoming a Brotherhood member marks the completion of your induction into the Order of the Arrow. 

Ordeal members who have completed at least 6 months of active service to their unit, are eligible to seal their membership in the Brotherhood ceremony.  The challenges of Brotherhood Membership are detailed in your Order of the Arrow Handbook.

Sakima Lodge holds Brotherhood ceremonies during each week of Boy Scout summer camp and at Ordeal/Fellowship weekends.  See the Lodge calendar for dates.

During Boy Scout summer camp, the Brotherhood ceremony will be held following the call out ceremony each Wednesday evening.  For those interested in becoming Brotherhood members, an informational meeting will be held early each week.  Listen for the announcement.



File Name Description
Sakima Lodge Brotherhood Honor Application Download
Position Name Telephone
Sakima Lodge Chief Drew G Email