Board of Directors

Executive Committee Members

Council Title Name Company
Council President Robert Bycraft Jack-Post Corporation
Council Commissioner Mel Chapman Self-Employed
Immediate Past Council President Chris Miller GDC Corporation
Council Treasurer Aaron Neumayer U.S. Business Systems
Vice President,
Dr. James Mauck, Jr.


Vice President,
District Operations
Kevin Davis City of Elkhart
Vice President,
Kathleen Mikula FiServ
Vice President,
Dan Asleson Peacock & Company
Vice President,
John Callan The Robert Henry Group Corporation
Vice President,
Risk Management
Rex Voorheis Retired
Vice President,
Youth Protection Training
Jeffrey Clymer Porter County Superior Court 2
General Counsel Marcellus Lebbin, Sr. Attorney
General Counsel Richard Urda, Jr. May Oberfell Lorber
Scout Executive / CEO John Cary LaSalle Council, Scouting America

Executive Board Members

Name Company
Susan Barriball Environmental Health Safety
Brad Beutter Retired
Lee Blakemore Introhive
Cole Doolittle Revelation Waste Partners
Dolly Duffy University of Notre Dame Alumni Association
Luke Ellis D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant
Hon. Michael Gotsch, Sr. United States District Court of the Northern District of Indiana
Joseph Grabill, Sr. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northern Indiana Real Estate
Drew Gschwind Sakima Lodge #573, Order of the Arrow
David Harnish, M.L.I.S. Calumet College of St. Joseph
Chuck Houin CarWash@821
Brian Kasal FourStar Wealth Advisors, LLC
Dr. J. Michael Kelbel Retired
Gregory Kil Kil Architecture
Andrew Levenfeld Attorney
Shane Lies D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant
Don Lode Lake Electrical
Carl Loesch Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend
Alan Loyd Beacon Health System
Kathleen Neuhoff Magrane Pet Medical Center
David Niswonger Retired
Ashley Noffsinger Ameris Bank
Bernard Packard II Counsel Oak Financial of Raymond James
Dale Parkison Parkison & Hinton, Inc., P.C.
Mark Podgorski Goshen Health
Laura Ray Retired Naval Officer
Barb Regnitz Porter County Commissioner
Paul Sciarra Anton Insurance
Nathan Shaw Business Consultant
Jeffrey Sparks Interlink
Brian Spencer Beacon Health System
Tim Stoner Woody-View Farm
Deacon James Summers The Summers Group, LLC
State Rep. Jake Teshka Majority Builders, Inc.
Jim Welborne Business Systems Consultant, Retired
William Wilson The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America
Jason Wogoman Middlebury Electric, Inc.
Mark Worthley Worthley Law, LLC

District Chairpersons

District Name Company
 Algonquian Chip Mitros


 Potawatomi Nate Gear Security Capital Research Management, Inc.   
 Pioneer Trails   Brad Rogers   Commissioner of Elkhart County                       
 Dunes Moraine    Nate Gear Security Capital Research Management, Inc.