Range and Target Activities

Purpose of Range & Target Activities in Scouting
The purpose of range & target activities in Scouting is to teach firearm safety while introducing youth to a variety of fun, interactive program experiences. Scouting’s range & target activities are developed and implemented through age-appropriate training and experiences.
Scouting America adheres to its longstanding policy of teaching its youth and adult members the safe, responsible, and intelligent handling, care, and use of firearms, archery, and hand-held throwing sports in planned, carefully managed, and supervised programs for each youth who chooses to participate.
Range and Target Activities Manual - 2024 Edition
This manual replaces all previous versions and has a revision date of 9/2024.
Cub Scouts may only participate in range & target activities at a district or council event or activity. All range & target activities are prohibited at the Cub Scout pack or den level.
The Guide to Safe Scouting states that any range & target activities not detailed in our program literature or the National Range & Target Activities Manual are prohibited.
Download the National Range and Target Activities Manual (2024 Edition)
This publication replaces all previous versions of the National Shooting Sports Manual.
Range Activity SAFEty Training
All Scouts BSA troops, Venturing crews, and Sea Scout ships who provide unit-level sponsored/planned range and target activities must have at least one registered unit leader 21+ years of age take the Range Activity SAFEty online training available on my.scouting.org. This individual must be present at the range during the range and target activity(s). Participating in this training will help ensure a unit understands Scouting America’s range and target activities policies.
To access the updated training, log onto my.Scouting.org and search the catalog in the BSA Learn Center for “Range Activity SAFEty.” For additional information regarding Scouting’s Range and Target Activities, please refer to the Guide to Safe Scouting and the National Range and Target Activities Manual.
Program Specific Information
Cub Scouts Range and Target Activities
Scouts BSA Range & Target Activities
Venturing & Sea Scout Range & Target Activities