OA High Adventure

OA High Adventure is an excellent opportunity for youth Arrowmwen to visit the BSA high adventure bases at a low cost.  Arrowmen spend part of their time at the high adventure base in service and part of their time taking advantage of the activities that the base has to offer. Adventures are available at the Florida Sea Base, Philmont Scout Reservation, the Summit, and the Boundry Waters.

The link below will take you to the OA High Adventure website for further information and the opportunity to sign up for a session at one of the bases.  http://adventure.oa-bsa.org/

Youth (14-20) are eligible to participate in a high adventure if they are a currently registered BSA member and in good standing with the Lodge (current year dues paid and dues paid for the year of the adventure).  Note that each adventure has specific age requirements and restrictions.  Check the web site and the specific adventures for details.